Top Up Event of next Item Start in Bangladesh Server

At the present time many of the top up events are very useful to us or a lot of us profitable. Because we get almost all the items that are given in the top up event for free. Since there are many of us who are constantly on top, many times the event may or may not be. If I want to complete any other event, I also top up. Moreover, all the events or items that are given through top up are given very good quality and legendary items. And these items do not cost any kind of diamonds so in that case the top up event is a very lucrative events for all of us.

These top up events are given to us one after another. And in our freefire game there are many servers where each server is given a separate top up event. And all the events are managed by turning back the next time. So I will tell you about the top up events of some of the servers that one of these events we will see in the next event. So let’s not look at our events as well as the items given at the event.

Drop kick Emote Top-Up Event

The emote given in this top up event is a brand new emote which has not been given on any other server till now. This event is currently being hosted on the North America server through Top Up. This emote will be given to our server and event but it may be given to other events besides top up but will be given to our server next time. However, it can be assumed that this emote will be given on our server and top up event. If you top up 500 diamonds on the North America server, this emote will be given completely free of cost.

Night Scouter Scythe and Elephant Head Top-Up Event

This event is currently running on an Indonesian server, and here are two top up events together. A total of four items will be given permanently, two in this event. If you only top 200 diamonds on this server then you will get all the items together. However, here it has been divided into two parts separately. In one section, 140 diamond top up will be given Holi Hues and 200 diamond top up will be given a skin of G-36. The second top up event featured an Elephant Head at 100 Diamond Top Up. And 200 Diamond top up will be given a Night Scouter Scythe skin.



There are two great events going on on the Vietnamese server that everyone will love. Here are two legendary items in a very low diamond top up. In this event, only two items at 300 Diamond Top Up will be provided on this server completely free of cost. The first top up item will be a legendary Bonebruiser Scorch Gloo Wall Skin at 99 Diamond Top Up. The second item will be a Sports Care Skin of extraordinary design. If you want to take two items on this server then you have to top 300 diamonds then you can collect two items.

Top Up and Get a New Pet

A new pet has arrived inside our freefire game. This stomach has not yet been delivered to our server. But very soon our server and this stomach will be given. We all know that when a new pet or character is added to a new game, it is given through Top Up. So if this Pet is given to our server, the event will be given to our server through 99 Diamond Top Up. Many servers have been given this Pet. So gradually new servers will be provided on all servers. Currently this event is running on Pakistan server and two items are being offered here simultaneously. If you get 599 Diamond Top Up to get the first item, you will get a Gloo Wall. If you top up the other 49 diamonds, you will get this new belly.

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