Top Criminal Bundle is Back Red | Purple | Blue | Yellow Free Fire

Finally Top Criminal bundle is back on all servers. We were all waiting for these bundles to come back since day one. Top Criminal was released a long time ago so most players don’t have these bundles. Few of the players who played the game early on were able to pick up these bundles. And later these bundles were never given back. While everyone else has been given back many rare bundles.

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After giving back most of the bundles, many of us will come that maybe the Top Criminal bundles will also be given back. When the Top Criminal bundle was first released, all bundles were released through the Faded Wheel event. And then it took a lot of diamonds to extract a bundle. So many people could not take the bundles.

Currently Top Criminal bundle is given back and new one more bundle is given by modifying the bundle. And this bundle comes with an amazing animation. And this Top Criminal (Neon) is given as the top Bundek.

Top Criminal Bundle Best Event Of All Free Fire Server

All bundles are given in Luck Royale event on some base servers including Free Fire Bangladesh and India servers. And not all Top Criminal bundles are offered on some servers. There is only this new Top Criminal (Neon) given. Also getting this bundle requires unlimited diamonds on all those servers.

Although our server has very few diamonds, everyone can get the bundle of their choice. Moreover, our server has the option of token through which any item can be exchanged. Since any bundle can be exchanged, even if you don’t get the bundles through spin, you can exchange them with the tokens that will be available later.

So it will take between 1000 to 1500 diamonds to get a bundle of any choice. And if Luck is good then you can get bundle of your choice in less diamonds.

Discounts off Top Criminal Bundle

Currently there are two spin systems where one spin requires 40 diamonds and 10+1 free spins require 400 diamonds. As the Top Criminal bundle event is offered for eight days, there may not be any discount. If this event was held for a month then Conform would have said that we would be given a discount on this event. But the discount may be given but the chance is very less.

I am an honors second year student, Blogging, Digital Marketing, SEO Expart. This website provides all the latest updates and news about Free Fire games.

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