Top 15 Best Character in free fire june in 2022 | Updates On OB34

The character is one of the most important characters in the Free Fire game. If you want to show a very good game then you have to choose the best character in free fire. In this game Garena Free Fire constantly comes up with new characters through which the game can be improved.

There are about 46 characters in our game and they have been given different skills. There are many problems in finding the best character in free fire due to having many characters. Players who have been playing Freefire games for a long time can easily find a good character. But players who are new to the game will not know which character to use.

Here you can add four skills including Main Skill with any character. However, you can use only one Active Skill with each character. And the remaining three None character skills can be used.

In this episode we will learn about 10 Top 5 best characters in free fire June in 2022 Updates On OB34 Character. With that, if you use any of the characters, you can perform well in the game.

15. Cardline Character

Shot gun is the most popular free fire game and is used by everyone. Cardline characters help a lot to run a good shot gun. This character is the most used among all the female players in this game. Cardline characters look like little ones and everyone likes Absolutely for animation. The girls are in the highest position in terms of using this character.

Cardline can be used with Main or Active Skill characters as this character is a passive skill. If you use Cardline Skill with your character, when you hold a shot gun, the movement speed increases up to 13%. You can do up to six levels of Cardline character which will get 8% to 13% Movement from one level.

14. Kapella Character

More female gamers use this Kapella character. HP will help you when you fight other anime so that you can survive longer. At the same time, when an anime hits you, it will greatly reduce the seta and increase the experience of the game.

Kapella Character is a Passive Skill character that can be played by adding any Active Skill character. A total of three skills of this character are given here. How these skills work is given here.

The first skill is when your HP decreases then if you use Medicate it will give you 20% Extra HP. If the second skill kills any of your Friend in the game with Treatment Sniper or Treatment Pistol then you will get extra 10% HP. Given the third skill, if any of your teammates are Knock, their health will be reduced by 30%.

13: Luquta Character

Many of us have very low HP, so in a very short time, a lot of health is reduced. Due to this low health, the anime has to wear a little Knock when it hits. The Luquta character is best for players who have difficulty playing due to low HP. Moreover, if you want to stay inside the jone for a long time, it will help you a lot. Since Luquta character is Passive skill, you can add this skill with any character.

This Luquta character has been given an extraordinary skill which is not given in any other character. The skill of this Luquta character will work when one can kill an anime. If you kill a total of two in any match, you will get a total of 50 HP out of 25. The main HP of the game is 200 and using this character will result in 50 HP and a total of 250 HP. The 250 HP that will be here until the end of the match will never be reduced. However, to get 50 HP, the character must have T Max. If the character does not have a full max then a small amount will be HP. So this may be the best character for you in free fire.

12. Misha Character

Players who push Rank use this character the most. Moreover you will see that in most Tournament games cars are driven more and this character is used more. However, there is no use of this character in CS-Rank. If you want to push Rank, then Misha may be the best character in free fire for you. This character is a Passive Skill character so you can play games by adding it with any other character.

The Misha character has two skills that are much more useful and more usable. If you use this character, if you drive a car in the game, the speed of that car will increase by 10%. Moreover, if an enemy attacks you while you are driving, your damage will be reduced by 20%. We all know that if you shoot in Freefire game, it becomes Ato Aim Lock. However, using the Misha character will not cause any Aim Lock when you are in the car.

11. Alvaro Character

After most of the time we need to use grenades inside the game. But when we use granite it does not cause much damage to the anime and if the anime goes a little farther then it does not cause damage. If you want to be a granite master and kill a lot with granite then this is the best character in free fire. The Alvaro character will only work on Granite and any Exclusive like landmine, launcher.

This character is given two skills that work more on granite. If you throw a grenade on any anime inside CS match or Rank match, 20% more damage will be done. At the same time the range of ordinary granite is much less so if you go a little farther there is no damage. However, if you use this character, it will increase by 10%. With this range bar, the damage will be much higher and any anime will easily become Knock.

10. Clu Character

It is very important to know the location of the enemy to play better and kill more. If there is an anime nearby and I can go to his location before the anime goes to my location, then it becomes very easy to kill him. The location of the anime can be known in two ways in the game through the scanner inside the game and through the drone found in Air Drop. However, C scanners can not be seen without a specific time. But if you use the Clu character, you can easily go to the location of the anime. Clu character is the best character in free fire to see the anime location of the game.

When you turn on the Ability of Clu Character, if there is any anime within 75 meters, you will see their location. You will be able to see the location of all Teammate anime including Ampere. After turning on this Ability will remain temporary for 10 seconds. And you can use this Ability again after 50 seconds. You will get this benefit when you maximize the Clu character. However, even if you do not do a full max, you will get this benefit, but the time will increase a bit.

9: Joseph Character

Most of the pro players in the free fire game use the ability of this character. Because when an anime gives damage inside the game, much faster speed is needed later. Enemy will kill you when you can’t change the location at the right time when someone damages you. So if you want to improve the quality of your game, then you have to use this character. This Joseph’s skill works in all modes, including CS matches. Joseph best character in free fire Speed ​​Increase by Damage.

This Joseph character has Passive skill so you can use it with any Active character. Moving Speed ​​will increase by 20% when any Enemy damages you. When the Joseph character becomes Max then you will get 20% Speed ​​and if you do not complete Max then you will get some% less Speed.

8: Moco Character

When we damage an anime, the location of the anime is often not found. The Moco character helps a lot to see where the anime is or where it is going after the damage. When its skill is added to your character’s skill then you can attack him by seeing the exact location of the anime. Moreover, if you damage an anime, your team members will be able to see its location immediately. If the people in your tick do not have this skill then they will be able to see through the skill of Anna Character.

The Moco character has two states, one normal and the other Elite Moco. There is a slight difference of 1.5 seconds between these two states. When you use normal Moco’s skill you will see the location of the anime for 5 seconds after damaging the anime. And if you use Elite Moco, you will see the location for an additional 1.5 seconds.

7: Kla Character

If you want to kill anime with more damage through Fist then Kla best character in free fire. The Use of the first Roun Fist is more common in CS matches and is also used in all other matches. There is a time in the middle of the game when the need for Fist. If you want to give Damage with Fist with a normal character then you can’t give more Damage. However, if you use the skill of Kla character then you can give good damage with hate shot.

If you have Kla character, Fist’s Damage will increase up to 400%. As a result, the enemy will be killed by a fist injury. Kla character is a passive skill so you can add this skill with any character. When you maximize kla character then 400% Damage will be more and if Lvl is less then some Damage will be less.

6: Kelly Character

Nearly 90% of players use Kelly characters more. This character is more popular among the players who push more Survibe and Rank. As a result of using kelly character you can give more damage to any anime and you can easily anime down. With that, if you have Kelly ability, you will be able to draw extra from the normal character. This will increase the Moving Speed ​​and the anime will not be able to knock you very easily.

Inside the Freefire Game you will see two different abilities, one is normal and the other is Elite Kelly. When you use Elite Kelly skill, after sprinting for four seconds, the first shot will give 108% more damage. And this Ability will last up to five seconds. This way after every 4 seconds Sprint this Ability will be on again.

5: Alok Character

The Alok character was very popular at one time and everyone used it a lot. This character is most commonly used in all Fighting places. When the anime gives damage, if the skill of the character is turned on, it completes the health. If you want to fight for a long time then Alok best character in free fire.

If you use the Alok character and turn on the skill, it will create an area up to five meters. Within these five meters, if there is any member of the team, it will give you and your health immediately. At the same time turning on Alok Skill will increase the movement speed by 15% from normal. Health will give you 5 HP per second and it will be temporary for 10 seconds. After ten seconds the skill will be turned off automatically and after the next 50 seconds you will be able to turn on the skill again. You can turn on the Alok character’s skill whenever you want and it will work great.

The Alok character has Active skill and the character can move up to six levels. At the same time, the value of skill will increase with each level up.

4:Maxlm Character

The fastest Med Kit in every game. If you can’t recover quickly, you won’t be able to survive the game. All pro players in the free fire game use Maxlm characters. This is because they can quickly make Med Kit and fight again in less time. If you want to play good games in Freefire game then Maxlm best character in free fire.

Since Maxlm character has a passive skill, you can play games with any character by adding this skill. When Enemy will reduce your HP a lot then you can use 25% fast when you take Med Kit. Maxlm character you can do up to six levels and increase the speed from 5% to 25%.

3: Wukong Character

Aman player not used in Wukong character cannot be found in Free Fire game. This character has gained a lot of popularity in the eyes of new and old people because of his ability. The Chrono character has gained the most popularity since the game was introduced. At that time Chrono could not go in front of the character without Wukong. Wukong does a lot of work during fighting and it does a lot if you don’t have a Gloo Wall nearby.

When you add Wukong as a character skill, you can transform and change the size of the bush. If you do not have any Damage after turning into Bush, Bush will remain for 15 seconds. And if you want to use Wukong skill again later, you have to wait for 200 seconds. With the bush Transform 20% Movement Speed ​​will be reduced.

Anime can’t lock Aim when you are Bush with Wukong character. But when the anime fires, it will break if Bush Transform. So when the anime will fire.

2: K Character

At present K character is gaining a lot of popularity because most of the players use this character. It has been widely used since all the characters were made free. The K character has two skills with one which distinguishes it from other characters. It works well for staying in the game for a long time and for playing.

K is an Active Skill character so the character of another Active skill cannot be added. When you use the skill of K character, the retention capacity of EP will increase by 50. At most, EP will increase by 500% per minute. You will get it in all other modes including CS mode. With that, when you turn on Psychology Mode, you will do 3 EPs every 1.4 seconds. Normally all characters have a maximum capacity of 200 EP but if K character is used then there will be 230 EP. You can change your mood every three seconds.

1: Skyler Character

If you want to show good game and play good then you should use Skyler. Currently 90% of players who have Skyler use this character. When the anime sends the Gloo Wall to the front, the need for the Skyler character becomes much higher. Normally if you want to break the Gloo Wall you need a lot of time later but with Skyler you can break all the Wall in seconds.

Skyler will be able to break a maximum of five Gloo Walls at once after turning on the character’s skill. However, the skill of this character will work up to 6 meters, there will be no work outside of it. With that, if HP decreases due to any damage, every Gloo Wall will pointer 8 EP at the beginning. It will take 60 seconds to use the skill again.

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