Toko ff New Mystery Shop On July 2023

Garena Free Fire is a very popular game. This game offers new events with new items every day. Among those events there are many events where free fire diamonds have to be spun. There are also many events where various items are given for free by completing certain missions. Again there are many events where many expensive items are available at very low prices. One of those events is Mystery Shop.

This Mystery Shop offers different types of items and their quantities also vary. Whereas other events cost 1000 diamonds or slightly less to get an item. The same item is available in this Mystery Shop for 100/200 Dimens. Often this event is offered at the end or first of the month and there are times where this event is offered twice per month. But every Mystery Shop event has two new bundles that everyone gets based on the jet count.

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And to get this discount in the event, Probes first has to select Madhama Luck of the spin. The amount of luck won in that spin will be given accordingly the price of all items will be reduced. And if you want, you can buy all the items from this Mystery Shop, but you can’t buy unlimited items. There is an indication of how many items you can take.

Best Mystery Shop On July 2023

The Mystery Shop event is divided into two pages and you have to switch to go to the other page. But sometimes 10/20 diamond is required to switch and sometimes no diamond is required to switch. And these two pages have the same amount of discount and the items are different. However, if you want to buy the main bundles in this Mystery Shop, you have to buy other items with a certain amount of diamonds, then you can buy this Mei bundle.

The two main bundles in the Mystery Shop event are one female bundle and one male bundle and are priced differently.

How to get more Luck?

Free Fire players who constantly top up their diamonds and buy a lot of different items are often seen as having low luck. It is often seen that having a lot of diamonds in the account results in less luck. So to get more luyck or discount keep minimum amount of diamonds in account and give less activity. Then it will be seen that you have got a lot of luck and you can buy various items at a very low price.

Currently Mystery Shop events are offered on few servers including Indonesia, Pakistan servers. And we found out that the Mystery Shop event may be given at the end of the month on all the other servers that are there. So you have to wait until the end of the month if the Mystery_Shop event is not served on your server.

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I am an honors second year student, Blogging, Digital Marketing, SEO Expart. This website provides all the latest updates and news about Free Fire games.

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