New Faded Wheel Event on North America Server

New Faded Wheel Event on North America Server September 2021

Free Fire Game has a great Faded Wheel Event on North America Server. You can take many items through this event. To get all these items you need to spin and with this spin, you can complete Event.


If you spin this light Wheel, can you’ll|you may get things for good and therefore the rest will get alternative things. If you want to spin here, you have to spend Diamond and like all other Faded Wheel Events, a spin will not be given for free.

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The event will have an MCL FF Final lap car skin and this car will have this ability and this ability has been given as Top Speed ​​(++), Durability will have (+) and Handling will have (-).

The second item is a Speed ​​And Style Emote, the third item will be a Katana Kendoka Skin. then it will have an Alvaro Character, then it will have a Musical Monkey Backpack Skin and it will have a Mythological Ride Surfboard. There will be two Diamond Royal Vouchers, five Beachwear Loot Crates. And five Did Fashion Loot Crates, and the last will be five Private Eye Weapon Loot Crates.

How many diamonds can you take all the items here?

Faded Wheel event takes more or less Diamond on different servers at different times. However, this event takes a maximum of 1000 Diamonds, so Asakara goes to get everything within 100 Diamonds.

I am an honors second year student, Blogging, Digital Marketing, SEO Expart. This website provides all the latest updates and news about Free Fire games.

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