Moco Store Crystal Giant Bundle is Back On Bangladesh Server

A new Moco Store event has been released today on the Free Fire Bangladesh server. Many new emotes and the Crystal Giant Bundle are given back in this event. Along with that, two more Male and Female bundles have been added. Three rare new emotes and three rare bundles are awarded as Grand Prizes in this event. And the second Bonus Prizes are two old emotes that were previously given through many events. Then there are two backpack skins, a Legendary Cobra Backpack and K.O Night Backpack. Eight Diamond Royale Vouchers and One Name Chnage Card have also been given.

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Most of the items given away in Moco Store events are given away through various events. And three new emotes have been added to the event. However, other events where these items were given away cost a lot of diamonds. But if you can now buy any item from this Moco Store for very less diamonds. But you can take any one item from Grand Prize and any one item from Bonus Prizes.

Here you can spin any item you like. Today is September 29th and this Moco Store event is offered today. And this event will last for 10 days and the event must be completed within these 10 days. And later these items may not be given back so you can take your favorite items in this opportunity.

How to Spin Crystal Giant Bundle from Moco Store?

In this Moco Store event, first select any two items of choice. Then there will be four other barti items along with the main two items in the post. You need a total of six spins to get two items of your choice. Each of these six spins will award one item at a time. For each spin you will need 9.19,49,99,199,499 Diamonds. Be sure to keep enough diamonds in your Free Fire Game account before spinning.

Code: I love Free Fire

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